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Asked Questions (FAQ) - File operations
Q: Can certain files
be excluded from copying?
A: Yes, there are two lines in the copy dialog,
one for the target directory and a name change, and a
second line for the files to be copied. Here you can not
only specify file types to be copied (e.g. *.doc *.xls),
but also those which should not be copied, e.g. *.* |
*.bak *.old
File types behind the vertical line will then not be
copied. The line (pipe symbol) is used because it's not
allowed in normal file names.
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Q: Total Commander has
problems to write to my CD-RW drive. What could be the
A: To write to a CD-RW drive, a so-called UDF
driver is used, e.g. EasyCD from Adaptec. Depending on
the used software and its age, the driver may be good or
bad - some drivers only seem to be tested with the
Explorer. Solution: Either use a
different driver software (e.g. the above mentioned), or
change the Total Commander settings to copy files through
the Explorer. To do this, you need to add the following
line to the file wincmd.ini under the header
Disadvantage: You loose extended copy capabilities like
copying in the background.
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Q: How can I easily
rename a file? The current name of the file should be
given as the default!
A: Select the file and press SHIFT+F6.
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Q: How can I format
or copy floppy disks using Total Commander?
A: When you right click on the drive letter, it
opens a context menu which contains the two commands. This
only works if the drive isn't the current drive -
therefore you have to use the drive button bar (can be
enabled through the Configuration dialog).
Q: Is it possible to
use F2 for renaming (as in Explorer)?
A: Yes, you can re-map keyboard shortcuts
through Configuration - Options - Misc - Redefine
hotkeys. The command for renaming is cm_RenameOnly .
Q: How can I split a file
to a user-defined size?
A: Use Files - Split file, and enter the desired
size by hand. Please note: When you enter the size in k
or M, please consider that 1k=1024 bytes and 1M=1024k!
Normally a CD-R can hold less than 640M.
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Q: How do I create a
shortcut (lnk file)?
A: There are two possibilities:
- In the other window by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F5
- In the same window by right clicking on the file
for 1 second or by pressing Shift+F10 and
selecting the command Create Shortcut.
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Q: Although the recycle
bin is enabled both in Total Commander and on the
Desktop, Total Commander deletes the files directly.
A: This happens if the recycle bin is damaged.
To repair it, proceed as follows:
- Enable the display of hidden/system files in
Total Commander (through the Configuration menu).
- On all drives, delete the directory called
\recycled in the root of the drive. Warning: This
empties the recycle bin!
- Delete one file in Explorer. This re-creates the
recycle bin.
- Do not modify the content of the \recycled
directories. To access the recycle bin, right
click on the F8 button in Total Commander.
Q: How can I print a
file list, or import it into a different program?
A: There are several ways to print a directory
from Total Commander, although it's not possible
- Use Files - Print - File list to print the
selected file names. Depending on the current
display mode, you can print either only the file
names, or all file details. Please note that some
fonts like Fixedsys may not work with your
printer. To print to a file, install the printer
Generic - Text only, and connect it to FILE: .
- Use the command cm_copynamestoclip (e.g. add it
to button bar) to copy all names via clipboard to
other programs
- Use the diskdir plugin from our addons page to create a
list file, which you can then print from Word or
- Use a third party tool like print folder pro from
It's specialized on printing folders.
Q: How can I compare
one or more pairs of folders by content, e.g. after
burning a CD-R?
A: You can use the function synchronize dirs:
Select the folders which you want to compare, and choose
commands - synchronize dirs and choose the
options Subdirs, by content and ignore date.
Then click compare. Click the = button to
hide/show equal files.
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