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Asked Questions (FAQ) - Installation
Q: Our company/our
firewall doesn't allow FTP connections, only HTTP. Where
can I download the program by HTTP?
A: There are several HTTP links also on our
download pages.
Q: How do I unpack the
ZIP file downloaded from ?
A: If you don't have an unpacker or an older
version of Total Commander, you can use the program minunzip
- a very small unpacker available free of charge.
Q: When I try to start
the installer, I get an error message!
A: Apparently something went wrong during the
download - either it was aborted, or the file was
downloaded in text mode, which made it unusable. Please
try a new download from a different server, if possible
by HTTP.
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Q: When I try to
install a newer version of Total Commander from within an
older version, I get a message that the setup information
file could not be found!
A: You need to unpack the complete ZIP archive
to an empty directory like c:\install, and then start
install.exe from there.
Q: After installing a
newer version of Total Commander over an existing
registered version, the program is no longer registered!
A: Make sure that you have installed the new
version to the same directory as the previous version! To
verify this, you can search for the file totalcmd.exe
with Total Commander: Commands - Search.
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Q: Suddenly Total
Commander is no longer registered, although I haven't
changed the program!
A: You have probably tried to create a shortcut
(link file) to Total Commander on the desktop, but by
mistake you have copied the program there. Solution:
Delete the faulty shortcut, and and create a new one by
right clicking on the desktop and choosing New -
Q: How can I remove Total
Commander from my system?
A: Since version 4.50 the 32 bit version
contains a program to remove Total Commander. You can
reach it through Control Panel - Add/Remove software, or
by going to the Total Commander directory and starting
TCUNINST.EXE . If you have used the parallel port
connection on Windows NT or 2000, you should run
uninstall as an administrator, otherwise the parallel
port driver cannot be removed.
Older versions can be removed by deleting the Total
Commander directory completely (usually c:\wincmd or
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