Contents | ![](images/dkgray.gif) |
| Tutorials
How do I... -> Continue with the advanced topics! Q: How do I Copy files? A: Follow these steps, or try our animated tutorial - Set the source directory in one panel, and the target in the other
- Select the files you want to copy, either with Insert or the mouse
- Press F5 or click the Copy button
- You may now change the destination directory
- Click OK
- The files will now be copied
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Q: How do I delete or undelete files? A: Follow these steps, or try our animated tutorial
- Select the files you want to delete, either with Insert or the mouse (Ctrl+Click)
- Press F8 or Delete, or click the Delete button
- Click OK
- To undelete, right click on the Delete button
- Choose
- Select the files you want to undelete
- Right click on them
- Select 'Restore'
back to top Q: How do
I pack files with ZIP? A: Follow these steps, or try our animated tutorial - Select the files you want to pack, either with Insert or the mouse
- Select Files - Pack from the menu, or press Alt+F5
- Choose the packer you want to use. ZIP is built in
- Click OK
- The final archive file appears in the target pane
Q: How do I unpack files? A: Follow these steps, or try our animated tutorial - Open the archive file with
ENTER. If it's a self-extracting EXE, open with Ctrl+PageDown.
- Select the files you want to unpack, either with Insert or the mouse (Ctrl+Click)
- Press F5 or click the Copy button
- Click OK
- The unpacked files
appear in the target pane
- There is also a second way to unpack files:
- Place the cursor on an archive. You may also select multiple archives.
- Chose Files - Unpack
- You can decide to unpack only specific files,
e.g. *.txt
- Click OK
- All selected archives will be unpacked to the target directory
back to top Q: How do I view
files with the built-in viewer? A: Follow these steps, or try our animated tutorial - Place the cursor on the file you want to view
- Press
F3 or click the View button
- You may also select multiple files, then switch through them with 'n' and 'p' buttons
- Use Shift+F3 if you want to view the file under the cursor while other files are selected
back to top Q: How do I edit text files? A: Follow these steps, or try our
animated tutorial - Place the cursor on the file you want to edit
- Press F4 or click the Edit button
- The default Windows editor notepad.exe will be launched
- You may define a different
editor in Configuration - Options - Viewer/Editor
back to top Q: How do I change file attributes? A: Please follow
these steps: - Select the files whose attributes you want to change
- Choose Files - Change Attributes from the menu
- Here you can set the Archive, Read only, Hidden, and System Attributes
- You can also
change the 'last modified' time stamp of the file(s)
- Click "Recurse subdirectories" to change attributes of files in subdirs too
- Click OK
- Warning: Total Commander doesn't show hidden/system files by
default, but you can enable them in Configuration - Options - Display - Show Hidden/System files
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Q: How do I rename files? A: Please follow these steps: - Select the files you want to rename
- Press Shift+F6, or Shift+Click on the RenMov button
- If you selected only one file, you can modify its
name directly
- If you selected multiple files, you can rename them using wildcards. * stands for all remaining characters, ? for a single character. Example: *.bak renames the extension to .bak, and leaves the name unchanged.
Press ENTER to rename the file(s).
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