
Additional languages (not included in normal download)

Please download the language file to your computer, then double click the archive file inside Total Commander to auto-install the new language.

Language (updated to 11.5x) Translators, special instructions
Armenian Hrant Ohanyan (Note: Unicode-Only, requires Windows 2000, XP or later!)
Belarussian (cyrillic) Igor Gerasimovich
Bulgarian Georgi Grozev and Zhivko Dimitrov
Catalan Nica Mlg and Ramon Martí
Chinese Simplified Now included in main installer! (Mainland, GB font) New by Ge Yongjia
Chinese Traditional
(original translation)
(Taiwan, BIG5 font) Lo Yih-huang, updated by *sky*
Croatian (Hrvatski) Elvis Gambiraza (previous: Krunoslav Gernhard, Vlatko Kiefer and Tomislav Kulis)
Czech chm help (11.51) Ivan Mikulcak, Martin Ruzicka
Dark Help: English and German petermad
Dutch manuals
(on user site)
Total Commander DocuWeb website
Estonian Tőnu Virma
Extended Menus:
English and Danish
Hellenic (Greek) John Polygiannakis, Papazoglou Panagiotis
Indonesian M. Ridwan Hakim
+ New:Tutorial
Takeo Noguchi, Youichi Saida (see special instructions!)
Tutorial translated by Youichi Saida
Korean Now included in main installer! by sheppaul, Kim Kyung Deok, Seo Jeong Young, and David Lee
Portuguese BRA (Brazilian style) - Carlos Seabra, Paulo Buarque Guimaraes, MCHAL, José Carlos Taveira
Romanian Unicode This is now included in main installer! Fehér Attila and Eugen Antal
Thai Gampol Thitinilnithi, Fastwrite corporation, and Samarn Sumrith
Turkish A. Murat Özhan, Sadi Yumusak (original by Atif Unaldi and Emre Ozpinar), Adem Hürtürk
Ukrainian Now included in main installer
others: The following languages are included in the standard package: English (default) plus Dutch, Danish, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, and new also Ukrainian.
Not yet adapted to version 11.5x: Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Albanian Arben Çokaj
Arabic Omar Namis Mostafa (omarjokr at gmail dot com), previously: Maged A. Mohamed, Ahmed Alghamdi
Estonian help Tőnu Virma
Hebrew Yossi Ezra, Erez Zukerman, DGI_IL and Yaniv_IL (including mirrored dialog boxes!)
One of our translators is co-developer of Peter Answers, a free, online, interactive fortune telling game that allows you to fool your friends. How does Peter know the answers? The Secret of the game (please read this, otherwise you will not understand).
Macedonian Vasil F. Bacovski
New Serbian files compliant to Windows Serbian LOC
cyrillic | latin
Branislav Mihaljev, Dragan Grbic, Sinisa Lalic, Dragan
New Serbian translation which is fully compliant with Microsoft Windows and Office localization. The authors have worked in the official localization team of Windows and MS Office. The translation also contains the localized internal commands (
Not yet adapted to version 11.0x: Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Hellenic (Greek) help
(to be used with the program translation above)
SGS-soft Dionisis Divaris, previous versions by Papazoglou Panagiotis
(South America)
Mario Angel Regalado, Alejandro Muńoz Uribe (note: Spanish/Spain is included in the main program download)
Not yet adapted to version 10.5x: Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Kölsch (a German dialect) Michael Thiergart
Not yet adapted to version 10.0x: Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Esperanto h-sistemo Klaus Schlüter, see for infos
Esperanto Unicode
(with accents)
Klaus Schlüter, see for infos
Georgian Nika Gurashvili
Russian full pack
with HLP help,
with HTML Help
Konstantin Vlasov and Vadim Kazakov.
(Includes help, language file, standard+extended menus, history etc. Homepage) Available either with conventional HLP file or HTML help (CHM). Extension of the Russian language files included with the program.
U3 USB stick users should download these packages: HLP-U3 or CHM-U3
Not yet adapted to version 9.5x: Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Afrikaans Ludwig Everson, Henko TerBlanche, Hester Vermaak, Dawie Snyman and Johann Tonsing
Chinese chm help (Mainland China) Lu Dajun
Lithuanian Igoris Vasiliauskas, Viktoras Dagys, Gintautas Grigas, Mindaugas Buliauskas
Polish Help Wieslaw Jurgielewicz
Portuguese Portugal (Traditional style) - Fernando Brites (adapted from Portuguese BRA)
Russian original Andrew Manjov and Mikhail Zhilin. This translation differs from the one included with Total Commander and the Russian full pack above.
Ukrainian traditional Oleksandr Krasnokutskyi, previously by Maxim Krikunenko (Maximus)
(translated from "Russian full pack")
Uzbek Sherzod Mamatkulov
Not yet adapted to version 9.2x: Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Hoang Thanh Sang, based on translation by Luong Minh Duc
Not yet adapted to version 9.0x: Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Latvian --- DPL --- and Eduard Ambartsumov
Not yet adapted to version 8.5x: Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Ukrainian Help (CHM)
This package also includes the program translation files above
Maxim Krikunenko (Maximus)
Not yet adapted
to version 7.57a:
Please try again later! You may use these language files, but some parts will be in English or missing. Please contact me if you want to become the new translator for one of these languages!
Dutch help (Nederlands)
Het NL taalteam: Rein de Jong, Johan Camps, Folkert Vos, Kees Weijsenfeld
Some info about the Dutch help project can be found in this PDF.
For questions/comments, please visit the new Dutch section in our forum!
French Help 7.04a Claude Charries, Thierry Charles and Paul Vansumsen.
old Polish Help (7.x)
Polish translation 2
Lukasz Jakubowski. Note: There is not only a help file translated to Polish, it also comes with an alternate Polish language version (separate download), because the help uses different terms than the official translation. It's up to you to decide which language version you want to use.
Spanish Help 6.54a by D. Schubert.
Belarussian (latin) 8.0x MiHLitvin
Bosnian 8.0x Ivan Stambolic
Bulgarian 8.0x Andrew Damianov and Mitko Bakalov
Chinese Traditional Rudy Hsieh (adapted from Chinese Simplified, words changed to Taiwan custom wording)
Chinese Traditional (org) Vincent Cheng (converted and adapted from Chinese Simplified)
Finnish 8.50 Harri Vuorinen, Tomi Kuusisto
Galician 8.0x Evaristo Rodríguez, Andrés León Prieto
Icelandic 6.50 Sigurđur Marísson
Luxemburgish 7.0 Jean-Claude Berens
Malay 6.0 Nurlaili Legimin
Plattdüütsch 7.0 (Northern German language/dialect) Gunnar Kempke
Portuguese POR 7.04 (Traditional) - António José Soares Oliveira Rodrigues
Serbian (org) 8.0x Srdjan Obucina (latin is a conversion from cyrillic version)
This was the first Serbian translation available.
Ukrainian (old) 8.0x Vitaliy Stopchans'kyy, Igor Bondar and Andrii Zimich
Valencian 7.04 David Peiró Navarrete