|  |
| Total Commander Plugins
Plugins are extensions of Total Commander with additional functions. Please note that most of these plugins are written by third parties, see the column "Author home". Packer extensions (plugins)Name/Ver. |
Link |
Description |
Author (home) | 7zip 2011/10/24 |  | 7Zip standalone packer/unpacker plugin. No requirement to install 7-zip at all! Source available. | dllee | AmigaDX 3.6 2012/06/03 |  | With this plugin you can extract/view ADF, DMS, ADZ, HDF, HDZ, DMP file types for Amiga Emulators (WinUAE, U*AE). You can also create/modify ADF files. If you are an old Amiga user who have installed WinUAE or other Amiga emulator then this plugin is for you. Source available. | Peter Bakota | AVI 1.5 2011/09/30 |  | Create AVI video files (from BMPs), open AVI files with Ctrl+PgDn and extract frames/the sound with F3! Max. 2 GB AVI supported. Source available. | Sascha Hlusiak | BZIP2 1.6 2014/09/24 |  | Very good compression, but only one file per archive (as with GZip). The update v1.1 is based on the bz2 1.0.5 library, which fixes various security issues.
v1.6 fixes memory leak in unpack function. Source available. | myself | Catalog 4.1.3 2021/12/28 |  | Create catalogs (lists) of the selected files/directories, with user-defined list format. Now with Unicode support!
Since version 4.x catalog maker plugin does not support Windows XP and older. Please use the previous version of plugin.
Source available. | Konstantin Polyakov | Checksum 0.2b |  | Provides MD5 and SHA1 checksum generator/checker from within TC packer interface. It is able to generate ".md5" and ".sha" list files acceptable by GNU respectively md5sum and sha1sum utilities. There is also 'virtual' browser for these list files. Source available. | Stanislaw Pusep | DBX 1.2 |  | Plugin to open Outlook Express 5/6 mail files. Also available: A configuration tool to change parameters like maximum message title length. | Dmitri R.Letichevski | DEB 1.0 2012/05/15 |  | Unpack Debian Linux .DEB packages. The 64-bit version is an unofficial port by user 'flint'. Source available. | Alexandre Maximov | Dircbm (site) |  | Plugin to extract/view/create CBM disk images (Commodore 64 disk images). Former D64 plugin.
1.1: 64-bit version
0.7: The plugin can now also create disk images! Source available. | Loo | Disk Explorer Professional (site) |  | This plug-in allows you to view the contents of Disk Explorer Professional Database files. Disk Explorer Professional is a powerful tool for catalogizing CDs, DVDs, floppies, ZIP disks, or other removable media, hard drives, network drives, or even FTP servers. | Tomas Jelinek | Diskdir 1.3 2012/03/25 |  | Creates a list file with all selected files and directories, including subdirs (e.g. as an index for CD-ROMs). It is called like a packer (Files->Pack)! Source available. | myself | DiskDir Extended 1.67 2012/03/23 |   | The same as DiskDir, but also lists contents of archive files ARJ, ACE, CAB, JAR, RAR, ZIP, TAR, TGZ (TAR.GZ), TBZ (TAR.BZ, TBZ2, TAR.BZ2). Format is fully compatible with DiskDir, i.e. this plugin works with DiskDir files, as well as DiskDir works with this plugin's files.
Please install this update for TC 7.55! | Peter Trebaticky | FATImage 2022/08/08 |  | Plugin to open disk images with the FAT filesystem, including partitioned images. Supports FAT12/16/32 and long filenames. Currently read-only, write support planned. Started as a rewrite of the IMG(1) 0.9 plugin by IvGzury for 64-bit support. Source available. | Oleg Farenyuk | GIF 1.3 2011/09/30 |  | Can unpack frames from animated GIFs, and also create them. ENTER still shows the GIFs, press Ctrl+PageDown to see a list of all the frames. Source available. | Sascha Hlusiak | GRP 1.02 |  | Extract/create support for GRP (Duke Nukem 3D and other Build engine-based games group file) file format. First (and only) plugin written in Assembler! Source available. | Stanislaw Pusep | HA (site) |  | Packer: Good compression, relatively slow. Source available. | Sergey Zharsky | ICL 2009/08/21 |  | Open and change icon ICL library files. | ProgMan13 | IMG(1) 0.9 |  | Open floppy disk image files (1.44 MB). Only supports short (DOS) names. Source available. | IvGzury | IMG(2) 1.6 |  | Advanced floppy image (diskimage, rawread etc.) plugin: create IMG (different sizes, use "Configure" button to choose), extract, add and delete files. Long filename support. More advanced than IMG(1), but without source code. | Andreas Ziemer | ISO 1.7.9 2013/08/27 |  | Reads CD-ROM image files! Also supports:
- BIN/CUE images
- IMG (CloneCD) images
- NRG (Nero) images
- Large (>4GB) images (that is, DVD images with ISO Bridge format)
Source available. | Sergey Oblomov | Kryptel (site) |  | For the encryption program Kryptel. | Kryptel | lzma 2.1 2012/06/18 |  | Pack and unpack files in .lzma format, mostly used on Linux/Unix to pack .TAR files, or .CPIO within RPM. Based on the older lzma 1.0 format. Use .xz plugin for the newer lzma2 format. Source available. | myself | LZOP 1.0 |  | Plugin to extract files created with LZOP packer. | "Netolish" | LZX 2.2 2012/07/13 |  | Unpacks the popular Amiga pack format LZX. It handles file date/time (with Y2K workarounds), file attributes, filenotes (saved to descript.ion) and some more. Everything can be customized. Source available. | Michael Ofner Sebastian Erbert | MakeBAT 1.5 2015/08/13 |  | Write-only plugin to create batch files (*.bat) with all the selected files, e.g. for repetitive tasks. May also be used to create mp3 playlists. Source included!
1.4: Increased template length to 1023 characters.
1.5: Fixed problem with 64-bit version (not saving old batch strings correctly). | myself | mozlz4 1.0 2020/08/30 |  | Plugin for decompression of Mozilla Firefox bookmark backups, search engines and other assorted LZ4 compressed files found in your user profile folder. | | MSI 1.2.1 2010/04/21 |  | Opens Microsoft Installer files. | Alex Gretha | Multi-Arc (site) |  | Calls external programs like JAR, AIN, IMP, 777 and many more - user-configurable! | Sergey Zharsky | PACK 1.1 |  | Packing/unpacking of Quake levels. Source available. | "DarkOne" | PPMd 1.0 |  | Similar packer as GZIP and BZ2. | Andreas Muegge | Progress PL 1.70 2016/07/06 |  | This plugin can list, view or extract files stored in PROGRESS PL archives (procedure libraries). Replacement for PROLIB utility. This plugin is NOT for perl PL files!
New: Support for V11 libraries. | Progress Tools | RPM+CPIO 1.7 2013/09/06 |  | Read Linux installation files!
New in 1.5: Detect RPM files packed with BZip2. Requires Bzip2 plugin to unpack. The 64-bit version is an unofficial port by 'flint'.
New in 1.7: When USTAR payload is used, display TAR archive instead of CPIO inside the RPM. Source available. | Mandryka Yurij, Konstantin Vlasov aka Flint | SFF 1.2 |  | Opens SFF Fax files as BMP in Total Commander. Source available. | Amenna Heratsini | SIS 1.0 |  | Opens SIS installation files (Psion, EPOC5 and new also EPOC6). Developed mainly for using with Nokia EPOC5 and EPOC6 packages, but can be used with other types. | Patrik Daranský | Storage 1.0 2019/12/18 |  | Packer plugin for Total Commander to unpack structured storage (compound document) files (*.doc, *.xls, Thumbs.db, Outlook *.msg, etc.).
| ProgMan13 | Total7zip 8.56 2023/06/20 |  | This plugin can create, update and delete files from 7z. Supports sfx and encryption. Can read many other formats besides 7z: XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP, WIM ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG ...
Uses 7z.dll, supports Unicode file names, can open files by content, search text in archives.
This download contains 7-Zip 23.01 (executable and dll). | Total7zip team | TotalISO 2011/04/26 |  | Total ISO maker (TotalISO) is a packer/unpacker plugin for creating ISO image files. TotalISO is a front end for mkisofs.exe and cdimage.exe, which need to be downloaded separately (see download link in the readme of the plugin). | taohe | TreeCopyPlus 1.051 2011/09/26 |  | It's intended for copying/moving files while keeping the full folder tree. The main differences from TreeCopy:
- Support standard, Branch View, search results modes
- Presence of an option "Number of upper levels to exclude"
- Possibility Overwrite/Skip all | Alexander Golikov aka SUKER | xz 1.1 2018/10/05 |  | Pack+Unpack files in .xz format, mostly used on Linux/Unix to pack .TAR files, or .CPIO within RPM. Very good compression based on the lzma2 format (7zip). Source available. | myself | Z 1.0 2010/05/14 |  | Z packer plugin (Unix archive format). The 64-bit version is an unofficial port by 'Christian Ghisler'. | Unusual Works | WCX Plugin Guide 2.21se 2019/01/03 |  | HTML Help description of the plugin interface - write your own plugin! If you want to write a plugin of general interest, and want to offer it through this page, please contact us first so there are no duplicates!
New (2.21se): 64-bit support.
New (2.21): Backround operations (TC7.55)!
New (2.20): Optional Unicode support for Total Commander 7.5!
| myself |
How to install and use a packer plugin: 1. Unzip the downloaded archive to any directory
2. In Total Commander, choose Configuration - Options 3. Open the 'Packer' page
4. Click 'Configure packer extension WCXs' 5. Type an extension suitable for the plugin, e.g. "lst" for diskdir
6. Click 'New type', and select the .wcx file 7. Click OK in all open dialog boxes. You can now use the plugin via Files - Pack (or by opening archives of this type). File system extensions (plugins)Name/Ver. |
Link |
Description |
Author (home) | ADO Data Sources 1.6 2006/03/14 |  | The plugin gives you access to the objects of server-based and local databases that can be connected using Microsoft ADO technology: OLE DB providers and ODBC drivers. Some special plugin features are available for MS SQL Server.
Note: The link on the left does not include the crypto DLL crsqlwfx.dll, for legal reasons. | OlegY | Back2Life 2.7 2013/05/15 |  | Undelete erased files from FAT and now also NTFS volumes. Also shows degree of damage and cluster map (Alt+Enter). There is also an excellent standalone version available at the author's site. Shareware (US$10). No more size limit in the test version! | Alex Mokrov | CanonCam 1.5 |  | Plugin to download/delete files (JPG, CRW, WAV, AVI) from Canon Digital Cameras. Most PowerShot, IXUS and EOS digital cameras supported!
Note: You also need the file SDKlibs.rar (579k) on the first download of this plugin, or if you use plugin version 1.4 or earlier. | Vladislav Sagunov | CDDatabase (site) |  | CDDataBase is a plugin, designed to organize and maintain a catalog of your disk collection, including CD-ROMs, harddrives, MP3s, removable disks... for quick searching and navigation. Shareware. | Crown_s Soft | Cloud 2.90 2024/08/08 |  | Access the following cloud services without the need of installing their client software:
- Box
- Dropbox
- Microsoft OneDrive (business+private)
- Yandex disk
- Strato HiDrive
- Google drive (with own client id)
What's new:
2.90: Support Dropbox team drives
2.80: Google Drive: Supported again via user-provided client ID. Creation process described on our homepage
2.71: Wrong end date for Google Drive, it's already February 10
2.70: Warn about discontinued services and describe alternative solutions
2.60: Could not access files or folders with "+" in the name on Yandex Drive and Strato HiDrive
2.50: WebView2 browser based on Edge WebView2 control
2.50: Strato HiDrive
2.50: Google drive: Support links, show Computers (if they contain the word "computer")
2.40: Fixed login problems to Microsoft Datalake Store
2.30: OneDrive for Business: Login was no longer possible
2.20: Google Drive: Downloads no longer worked because of an invalid parameter
2.10: Access shared drives on Google Drive
2.00: Option to login with external browser installed on PC | myself | ComplexCD (CD/DVD burner) (site) |  | Complex CD/DVD Burner is a light, fast, and easy-to-use CD/DVD burning plugin for Total Commander. It can burn a data disc in the following formats: CD-R, CD-RW, ISO files, DVD+R/W, DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD-R/W, and DVD-RAM disk.
Shareware – 14.95 US (Pro) or $9.95 (Lite) | Complex New Technologies | Device Manager 1.4 |  | Improved Windows device manager for Windows 2000/XP/2003 | Alexey Ryabinin | DiskInternals Reader (site) 2019/03/04 |  | This plugin offers access to harddisk partitions and disk images.
Native reader for:
Ext2/3/4, ReiserFS, Reiser4, HFS/HFS+, NTFS, ReFS, Fat/exFAT, UFS2
Native support for:
- Windows and Linux software raid arrays
- DDF, MegaRaid, Adaptec, nVidia, Intel, Via, Silicon raid arrays
- MBR, GPT, Apple and BSD partitions
- VMWare, VirtualPC, VirtualBox and Parallels disk images
100% symbolic links support for Linux, Mac and Ntfs. First ever Linux and Mac Reader that can display correct size for link that point to file. | Alex Babenko | Events NT 1.3 |  | Plugin to view system events on Windows NT/2000/XP. Does NOT work with Win9x/ME! | Sergey Kostyuk | Ext2+ Reiser 1.6 2010/06/29 |  | Plugin to open Ext2 and Reiser file systems on your own machine! This is useful when you have Linux installed on the same machine (multi-boot) and want to access your files. For security reasons, this plugin is read-only. It combines two open source projects to access Ext2 partitions and Reiser partitions. This plugin is Open-Source (GPL).
Version 1.4 adds UTF-8 support, see readme.txt.
Version 1.5 can read EXT2/EXT3 partitions with 256 byte inode size
Version 1.6 supports Unicode file names in TC 7.5x
Ext2 code author: John Newbigin
Reiser code author: Gerson Kurz
Source available. | unknown | Ext4 (site) |   | Plugin to open Ext2, Ext3 and Ext4 partitions. | Krzysztof Stasiak | HPLX 1.2 |  | Plugin to open file system on HP100/200LX (older HP palmtop machines). Source included! | Pavel Zampach | HTTP browser 1.0.4 |  | Browse websites, follow links and download files and pages via HTTP as you do with FTP clients. Source available. | Fabio Chelly | HTTP SmartBrowser (site) |  | Use HTTP services which implies browsing the web and downloading of all kinds of files which are linked from websites. Similar to HTTP browser (try both!). | André Martin | POP3/SMTP EmailPlugin (site) |  | Access your POP3 mailbox, download and upload (send) mails as text files (in eml format) or delete huge unwanted mails from the server directly.
(also available as packer plugin). | André Martin | PROC 3.0 2013/07/16 |  | Show list of running processes (similar to Task Manager). A double click on a task reveals details like Windows belonging to this task. Donateware. If you had any problems with the first version, then please re-download it! | Alexey Babenko | Registry 5.2 2012/08/04 |  | Plugin to browse the Windows registry database, change and export registry keys. New: Unicode support for TC 7.5! | Vitaly Knyazev | SABManagerTC (site) 2022/02/06 |  | This plugin for Total Commander 64 bit only is intended for easy copying files/entries to/from SecureAnyBox.
Entries are secured by the users Access Codes and encrypted.
Login to SecureAnyBox is secured by login credentials and Two Factor Authentication (2FA).
User source can be internal, LDAP, AD, eDirectory
Entries can be private or shared with other users
Every access to encrypted data is audited.
Every access to encrypted data can be notified by email and / or syslog.
New mode for file versioning. | TDP.CZ | Serial 2.0 2011/09/07 |  | Plugin to access another PC via the serial port (RS232), or a PalmOS® device via Serial or USB. The palm version now supports the Treo. | myself | Services2 0.8.1 2019/06/23 |  | Plugin to view and manage services on WinNT/2k/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11. | Dalai | SFTP 3.05 2023/03/24 |  | Allows to access remote servers via secure FTP (FTP via SSH). Requires SSH2. Now also supports SSH+SCP without SFTP!
NEW! On Windows Vista, 7 or newer, no extra DLLs are needed any more! It uses the sChannel secure library built into Windows.
New in 3.05: File properties (Alt+Enter) were not working when the stat command returned a non-English reply
New in 3.04: Support new key exchange methods curve25519-sha256 and
New in 3.03: Crash when using host key encrypted with old method (BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY)
New in 3.02: Fixed crash when using rsa-sha2-512 in some cases
New in 3.01: Fixed crash when using curve ED25519 to connect
New in 3.00: Support alternative RSA host key methods (for client certificate): rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256, use instead of ssh-rsa if the server supports it
Support new key exchange methods diffie_helman_group14_sha256, diffie_helman_group16_sha512 and diffie_helman_group16_sha512
New in 2.90: Keep old target file (which would be overwritten) when download fails at the start
New in 2.80: Prefer curve ED25519 host key if available, may lead to warning that the fingerprint of the server has changed
New in 2.70: Bugfixes to new hmac algorithms
New in 2.60: Two new hmac algorithms (authenticity verification): and
New in 2.50: Support for ED25519 elliptic curve certificates
New in 2.40: Don't show error if login via keyboard interactive failed, but worked via password.
New in 2.30: Plugin no longer worked on Windows 10 1903 (Spring 2019).
For Windows XP, please get this separate version which only needs the OpenSSL DLLs (old version 2.90):
Source available. | myself | Startup Guard 0.52 |  | Contains links to files, which will start on windows start up. | Sergej Puljajev aka Gorbush | SymbFS 0.4 |  | Allows to access the file system of Symbian based mobile devices (e.g. Nokia or Sony Ericsson phones). This provides a convenient way of transferring files (e.g. JPGs, ring tones, application files in the software development cycle) between desktop PC and mobile device. | Ralf "Sabo" Saborowski | Temporary Panel 1.0 |  | Container with links to real files, on HDD or Network, allows to aggregate files, can import M3U, PLS playlists. | Sergej Puljajev aka Gorbush | Uninstaller64 1.01 2012/06/11 |  | List installed programs (32+64 bit), view their settings, and uninstall specific programs. Source available. | Flint | WebDAV 3.2 2021/11/02 |  | Access to Web servers (read+write) via the WebDAV protocol over HTTP and HTTPS, also known as Web Folders. The Web server needs to have WebDAV services installed, which are available for Microsoft IIS, Apache, and many others.
What's new?
1.5 adds Windows Vista/7 support, and fixes several problems.
1.9 adds Unicode support, fixes crashes on 64-bit Windows.
2.0 supports files >2GB
2.1 shows locked files with "r" attribute, lock owner in Alt+Enter
2.3 adds 64-bit support
2.4 sends file type (MIME type) when uploading a file
2.5 adds support for servers which append a slash to file names
2.6 adds scanning of QR codes shown by the Wifi Plugin on Android
2.7 Fixed rename problem with Barracudadrive server
2.8 Fixed access violation when server returns empty entries
2.9 Fixes crash/empty list when directory listing starts with byte order marker
3.0 Append / to path when creating folder and append option is checked
3.1 Send file timestamps in two ways: "X-Last-Modified: " field and PROPPATCH field
3.2 Support multiple accounts on one server (only one connected at a time)
Source available. | myself | WinCE 2.2 2011/10/24 |  | Access PocketPC and other Windows CE devices via ActiveSync directly in Total Commander! Requires installed ActiveSync, otherwise it cannot be installed! On Windows Vista/7, the new Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 is needed!
2.1: Unicode support for Total Commander 7.5!
2.2: 64-bit support
Source available. | myself | Windows Media Audio (MP3) 1.0 2010/06/29 |  | With this plugin, you can access MP3 player which do not have a drive letter, but appear in Windows Media Player (so-called "Plays for sure"-Player). Source available. | myself | Windows Media Audio 2 (MP3) 1.4 2019/01/17 |  | With this plugin, you can access MP3 players and phones (e.g. Android) which do not have a drive letter, but appear in Windows Media Player (so-called "Plays for sure"-Player).
Requires Windows Media Player 10 or newer!
Please update! Older versions than 1.2 may delete the wrong file in directories with more than 128 files! Source available. | myself | FS Plugin Guide 2.1se 2019/01/03 |  | A HTML help file which describes how to write your own file system plugin. Also available:
A very small sample plugin (mirrors local file system). It's well suited as a starting point for your own plugins.
New (2.1): Background transfers (TC 7.55)!
New (2.0): Unicode support for Total Commander 7.5! | myself |
How to install a file system plugin: 1. Unzip the plugin to a directory of your choice. 2. In Totalcmd, choose Configuration - Options - Operation - FS-Plugins 3. Click on "Add" 4. Choose the .wfx file of that
plugin and click OK
You can now access the new file system via the Network Neighborhood. Lister extensions (plugins)Name/Ver. |
Link |
Description |
Author (home) | Anytag (site) |  | Anytag displays metadata of audio files in lister. It supports the following audio formats: AAC, APE, FLAC, MP3, MP4, M4A, M4B, MPC, OFR, OFS, OGG, SPX, TTA, WMA and WV. | Florian Heidenreich | ArcView |  | Allows you to display info about archives in the Lister or the QuickView window of Total Commander.Currently supported archive types: RAR, ZIP (ACE, 7Z and ... planned). | Dmitrie Murzaikin aka poiuytr | Baseview 1.2 |  | Allows to view and edit dBase and FoxPro files (*.dbf) with MEMO-fields. Extensive filtering options. | Roman Novostavsky aka StayAtHome | CAD View (site) 2018/11/15 |  | View AutoCAD DWG and DXF; HPGL, SVG, CGM formats. Convenient navigation: right-mouse pan, mouse wheel zoom, export to BMP, WMF, GIF, JPEG, Layouts (commercial). Shareware (only €24).
- 64-bit version available | CAD Soft Tools | CudaLister 1.6.16 2021/1/10 |  | Viewer of text files with syntax highlighting Source available. | Alexey Torgashin (CudaText) | DBF-View 1.20 |  | View DBF database files (Dbase, Paradox etc.). Very small and fast plugin. | Sergey Chehuta | EBCDICview 1.1 2015/11/03 |  | Simple plugin to view EBCDIC-Encoded text files. Source available. | myself | Excellence 1.20 2010/02/04 |  | This plugin displays text and numbers from spreadsheet (xls) files created by OpenOffice Calc, Microsoft Excel and similar programs. It does not require any program or library to be installed on your system. | Ivan Petrovic | fileinfo 2.23 2017/05/18 |  | Display Version Information, Executable Header Information and Symbol (like Dumper) for MZ, NE, LE, LX and PE format (programs, DLLs etc). | GANNIER François | Flashview 1.4 |  | View Shockwave Flash files (SWF). Needs an installed Macromedia Flash Player. Use SWFView instead in the 64-bit version. | Roman Novostavsky aka StayAtHome | Flic |  | Autodesk Flic Animation(FLC/FLI) Lister Plugin for Total Commander. Extracts a frame to BMP/GIF/TGA file. Exports to Animated GIF file/AVI/Pro Motion Animation. | Chun Sejin | hpg-ed 0.5.13 |  | Viewer AND Editor with syntax highlighting support of 9 different programming languages and text formats. Other features: 10 bookmarks, undo, creation of backup files, auto association in lister. | hpg | HTMLView (site) |  | View HTML documents using the Internet Explorer HTML control. Source available. | Rk | IclView v14.6.18 2018/06/14 |  | Show icons in *.icl, *.exe, *.dll files. Extract one or all icons. | ProgMan13 Original: Pavel | Imagine 1.1.4 2022/04/04 |   | Image & Animation Viewer
- Support for numerous image/animation file formats:
- Support for numerous archive file formats:
- Extract single/all frames from animation files
- Image manipulation (resize, flip, rotate, grayscale, filters etc.)
separate ANSI version for Windows 9x/ME | Chun Sejin | ImgView (site) |  | TC lister plugin primarily designed as a JPG viewer which can optionally also display BMP, EMF, EPS, GIF, ICO, PCX, PIC, PNG, PSD, PSP, SCR, SGI, TGA, TIF and WMF files. Context pop-up menu allows for printing, for copying to the clipboard etc. | Michael Diegelmann | Jpegthumbs 1.3 |  | This plugin does not show anything in Lister! It is used for displaying thumbnails for huge jpeg files in thumbnails view on system with limited memory, and on Windows 95/98/ME.
Uses jpeglib by independent jpeg group.
Source available. | myself | LinkInfo 1.52 2011/10/02 |  | Plugin for viewing all possible parameters of LNK-files, and changing them via right click. | Konstantin Vlasov | Mmedia (site) |  | Interface MCI, MediaPlayer 6.4+, or WMP 7+ to play virtually all media files (with appropriate codec). It can play directly cda files from audio CD, play and show m3u list and display mp3 frame information, Id3V1 and V2 tags. | GANNIER François | Multimedia factory 0.8.3 |  | View/edit/delete information tags in multimedia files: OGG, MP3 (ID3v1 and v2). If you use this plugin together with the Mmedia plugin, make sure to install this plugin after Mmedia, then you can press '4' to switch to this plugin and edit the tags. | Alexey Tarasov | OfficeView 1.1 |  | This plugin is intended for viewing MS Word, Excel, Write and other files for which a convertor into RTF format is installed (and configured for the plugin). Convertors for Word, Excel, Write and HTML formats come with MS Office and can be found in directory:
\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv\
Source available. | Yuri Gershanov | pdfview (site) |  | pdfview.wlx is a basic lister plugin for Total Commander 5.5x to display pdf-files (portable document format), ps-files (postscript) and eps-files (encapsulated postscript) using the Ghostscript postscript and pdf interpreter. | Florian Heidenreich | playlist 1.06 |  | Displays and plays the contents of m3u and pls files. For every song in the list, it displays file location, duration, filesize and id3tag info. You can copy either list or song info to clipboard... | Dark One | QRCode 2024/09/19 |  | QRCode lister. Convert file content to QRCode. Support .qr and qr.code. Or launch from 'plugin' menu. CTRL-C to copy bitmap.
| Alessandro Manti | SQLiteViewer 2.14.1 2022/01/07 |  | Simple plugin for TC to view SQLite3 database files. Supports *.db, *.db3, *.sqlite, *.sqlite3 and *.fossil extensions.
Supports up to 2TB files, no sqlite3.dll needed.
Supports data types described in this document:
| ProgMan13 | SWFview 2011/10/21 |   | View Shockwave Flash files (SWF). Needs an installed Adobe Flash Player. | Progman13 | SynUs 1.6 |  | View files with highlighted syntax: ObjectPascal, C++, Fortran, Java, Visual Basic, HTML document and many more. Export to HTML, RTF and copy to clipboard. Print files with highlighted syntax. And many more... | Sergey Chernih | SynWrite 6.7.1460 2014/09/04 |  | Text editor (plugin and program) for programmers. Supports syntax highlighting for many languages, code folding, tree structure, autocomplete, support for many encodings, customizable hotkeys, themes and more. | UVViewSoft | xBaseView 10.0 2012/02/17 |  | xBaseView Database Explorer has a Windows Explorer-like user interface, supports the typical operations for databases and data export/import. It works with file extensions: .CDS, .CSV, .DB, .DBF, .TAB and additional .HTML, .HTM, .XML. | xBaseView_Support | LS-Plugin Guide 2.12 2022/05/26 |  | A HTML help file which describes how to write your own lister plugin. Also available:
A very small sample plugin (shows line numbers to the left of each line). It's well suited as a starting point for your own plugins.
2.12: Dark mode support
2.0: Optional Unicode support for Total Commander 7.5! | myself |
How to install a lister plugin: 1. Unzip the plugin to a directory of your choice. 2. In Totalcmd, view any file with F3 3. Choose Options - Configure - LS-Plugins 3. Click on "Add" 4. Choose the .wlx file of that plugin
and click OK
You can now access the new lister plugin with F3. Content plugins (for Total Commander >=6.50)Name/Ver. |
Link |
Description |
Author (home) | Anytag (site) |  | Anytag.wdx displays metadata (like Artist, Album, ...) and technical info of almost all audio files in custom file lists. It supports the following audio formats: AAC, APE, FLAC, MP3, MP4, M4A, M4B, MPC, OFR, OFS, OGG, SPX, TTA, WMA and WV. | Florian Heidenreich | AudioInfo 1.4.3 |  | Shows info/tags from audio files. Supported formats: MPEG, OGG, WMA, WAV, VQF, AAC, APE, MPC, FLAC, IT, XM, S3M, MTM, MOD, UMX. | UVViewSoft | CDocProp 1.10 2011/09/19 |  | Compound document properties (e.g. Word, Excel files) | MGP Software Ltd. | DirSizeCalc 2.21 2012/07/21 |  | DirSizeCalc displays size, subdirectory and file count of a directory. All calculations are processed in background. | Lefteous | EML New 1.3 2021/10/22 |  | Content plugin to show some info from *.eml files.
| ProgMan13 | ExeFormat 0.6b 2012/10/11 |  | The ExeFormat plugin can show information about executable files: Currently supported are MZ, NE, LE/LX, PE(PE32/PE32+).
Ported to 64-bit by 'tbeu'. Source available. | Sergey Urbanovich | ExeInfo 1.1 2011/12/12 |  | Checks all files for a Version Resource and extract information. | GANNIER François | Exif 2.7 2022/09/02 |  | Show camera data like aperture and exposure time from JPG and Canon RAW image files.
1.8: Supports Unicode file names
2.1: Supports GPS coordinates, altitude and time
2.2: Support GPS data: Image direction (in degrees)
2.3: 64-bit support
2.4: Bugfixes: Hangs with some JPGs, GPS data wrong using type "floating"
2.5: Support new fields Compression and CompressionName
2.6: Support for Canon RAW 3 format (CR3). To use, uninstall the old plugin first via Configuration - Options - Plugins - Content plugins!
2.7: New GPS date field, convert aperture values from APEX format to F-Number, support for more RAW image types: .ORF, .RAW, .RW2, .ARW, .PEF, .RAF. To use, uninstall the old plugin first via Configuration - Options - Plugins - Content plugins!
2022-09-02: Added Chinese language support
Source available. | myself | File descriptions 1.3.2 2011/10/07 |  | Shows file descriptions: from files.bbs/descript.ion, from contents of text/HTML files, for executables/DLLs: from VersionInfo fields. Sources included! | UVViewSoft | Filename ChrCount (site) |  | Purpose: Checking pathnames exceeds the 256 character limit after moving folders...
Columns: Pathname(ChrCount), Filename(ChrCount), Path(ChrCount), Ext(ChrCount), Filename(ChrCount excl Ext), Path. | J. Bleichroth | Groups 2019/03/23 |  | Content plugin to sort files by group.
Group definitions support simple file masks and PCRE compatible regular expressions.
| ProgMan13 | id3 1.2 2012/05/14 |  | Show mp3 ID3 tags (only ID3 version 1), like Artist, Title etc. Very small and fast plugin. Source available. | myself | ImgSize (site) |  | Purpose: Sorting images by size, showing image size below thumbnails...
Columns: Width, Height, Pixel, Diagonal, Orientation, Size, Aspect Ratio
Formats: PSD PCX EPS/PS JPG GIF BMP PNG TIFF | J. Bleichroth | Media 0.6.1 |  | Supports the displaying of: Duration in time-format, Duration in ms format, Audio stream information (codec, bitrate and etc.), Video stream compressor (codec, video bitrate and etc.), Video tags information (AVI only). Information cached in database. | Sergey Chernih (aka SCHMaster) | MIME Info 1.0 2020/07/19 |  | Content plugin to show MIME type for files by extension.
| ProgMan13 | NL_Info 1.20 2011/10/08 |  | Plugin for displaying information about NTFS hard links and reparse points (junctions, mount points and so on). Source available. | Konstantin Vlasov | NTFSFileStreams 1.4 2021/11/21 |  | Plugin to show file stream names (ADS) in files on NTFS drives.
Packer functionality (must be added manually):
Add and Delete file streams. | ProgMan13 | RarInfoNew 1.1 2021/10/07 |  | Content plugin to show info for RAR archives.
The unrar.dll library is used to get information.
| ProgMan13 | ShellDetails 1.26 2019/06/10 |  | ShellDetails displays all Windows Explorer fields in Total Commander. | Lefteous | SVGInfo 1.0.2 2020/12/04 |  | Content plugin to show some info from *.svg and *.svgz files.
| ProgMan13 | TextSearch 1.4.3 2011/09/30 |  | Plugin allows to perform full-text search in any documents, which have command-line converters to the plain-text form. Included converters are: RTF, OpenOffice, DOC, DOCX, PDF. Sources included! | UVViewSoft | Today 2021/03/12 |  | Content plugin to show additional info about file creation/modification date.
Can be used for file search and coloring.
| ProgMan13 | TrID_Identifier 1.0.1 2017/10/07 |  | Content plugin to show file types using the TrID utility (
| ProgMan13 | xPDFSearch 1.11 2015/01/11 |  | xPDFSearch can be used to perform fulltext search in PDF files. In addition xPDFSearch provides meta data information from PDF files. Source available. | Lefteous | XPI_Info 1.0.2 2019/09/27 |  | Content plugin to show info from *.xpi (Mozilla compatible addons) and *.crx (Chrome compatible addons) files. | ProgMan13 | Content-Plugin Guide 2.12 2021/04/04 |  | A HTML help file which describes how to write your own content plugin. Also available:
A very small sample plugin with source (shows file details like date, time similar to Total Commander's internal plugin). It's well suited as a starting point for your own plugins.
New in 2.12: Function ContentFindValue to search directly for a specific value
New in 2.1: Function ContentCompareFiles used in "Synchronize dirs" to compare two files by a custom method (TC 7.55)
New in 2.0: Optional Unicode support for Total Commander 7.5! | myself |
More plugins can be found on the unofficial plugins site This site is independent from us and also hosts new and beta plugins. |